SU to go for online semester examinations, to place proposal before the academic council, to train faculty
A high profile meet-up was convened at Sindh University under the chairmanship of vice chancellor Prof. Dr. Fateh Muhammad Burfat to appraise options as regarded smooth conduct of semester examinations due in August instant.
Deans of all academic faculties, SU registrar, SU controllers of semester as well as annual examinations and director SU Quality Enhancement Cell were in attendance at this important video-link moot.
After long and detailed deliberations, the house resolved to conduct examinations via online mode, to finalize agenda to this effect to place it in the soon-to be-convened meeting of the Academic Council of the Varsity for formal consent, and to impart Varsity faculty hands-on training to set and administer question papers and to successfully and effectively deal with other technical and coceptual examination-related issues.