VC-SU Dr. Burfat terms teaching a rare art
Sindh University Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Fateh Muhammad Burfat has termed teaching a rare art and craft, saying he considered himself blessed to have been a teacher by choice.
Dr. Burfat forwarded the above remarks in his presidential address at the eve of award ceremony of 4-day faculty professional development training program organized by SU at Area Study Centre for Far East and South East Asia. Prof. Shakeel Ahmed Khan of Institute of Behavioral, Neurosciences and Psychology, USA was the resource person for the training program. The training session comprised technical sessions on communication and listening skills, micro-teaching and Andragogical skills.
Dr. Burfat said that art of teaching had undergone sea-change in the backdrop of rapid technological advancements and state-of-the art innovations. Hence, updating one’s professional approach, attitude, skills and outlook had become inevitable for success and excellence.
SU Registrar Dr. Ameer Ali Abro said that the said training and other such programs were part of ISO certification cell initiatives.
He added that such events also served as opportunities for faculty to socialize and consolidate bonding.
Program Coordinator-Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology Dr. Nazir Ahmed Brohi thanked Vice Chancellor Dr. Burfat for his support and patronage, Registrar Dr Ameer Ali Abro for help and cooperation and trainer Prof. Shakeel Ahmed Khan for imparting wisdom, skills and insights.
Later, Mr. Khan also conducted special session on career-counseling, volunteerism and life skills at Shaikh Ayaz auditorium of Arts Faculty.