Defence Day of Pakistan celebrated big way at SU, occasion marked as Kashmir Solidarity Day

September six is not merely the day to reiterate our firm solemn pledge to protect our sacred soil and her ideological boundaries; but it is also the occasion to pay sparkling rich homage and tribute to the martyr heroes who laid down their lives to defeat nefarious enemy deigns to invade our beloved homeland Pakistan. These remarks were made by VC-SU Prof. Dr. Fateh Muhammad Burfat in his presidential address at the commemoration ceremony of National Defense Day at Shaikh Ayaz auditorium of Arts Faculty of the varsity. The ceremony was organized by Bureau of Students Tutorial, Guidance, Counseling Services & Co-Curricular Activities (STAGS).

Talking to a jam-packed youth audience in the auditorium hall, the vice chancellor said that individual, social, cultural, political, religious and civil liberties they availed and enjoyed then were the fruits first, of the independence in 1947; and thereafter of the protection and preservation of that independence on September 6, 1965 when valiant officers and men of Pakistan Armed Forces dashed to dust the evil enemy advancement as the latter attacked to break into the boundaries of our motherland.

“Pakistan Army is one of the best of the forces in the world. Its innumerable sacrifices in the line of practical warfare and battling extremism and terrorism in the country remain unprecedented”, Dr. Burfat stressed.

The Vice Chancellor further said that people of Sindh loved Pakistan as intensely, deeply and vociferously as masses from any other part of the country.

Greatly appreciating SU faculty, officers, employees and students for their ardent involvement, Dr. Burfat asserted that their over-enthusiastic fervent participation in Defense Day celebrations bespoke of the enormity of love they bore in their hearts for their dear country.

“Your profound passions, over-bursting energy, zestful zeal and thunderous thrill, by which you have participated in the program episode, have brought me immense pleasure and pride. I stand holding my head aloft and my heart bursting at its seams with satisfaction and pride to see you people of Sindh  holding your country to such a delightful endearment”, Dr. Burfat observed.

Chairman, Youth Parliament Pakistan and famous electronic channel anchorperson Rizwan Jaffer presented a highly motivating speech on the occasion enthralling youth to the ecstatic degree of patriotism.

Mr. Rizwan enlightened youth about the historical contours of Pakistan by conducting a national quiz and by presenting prizes to those students who offered correct answers to his questions.

Day- long celebrations commenced in the early hours of the day with a mega art exhibition showcasing around one hundred thematic artworks projecting sacrifices of armed forces of Pakistan made by exceptionally talented students of Institute of Art and Design of the varsity.

Brigadier Muhammad Taqqi Raja viewed the exhibition as event chief guest, taking keen personal interest in each work exhibited, discussing its various aspects with each separate artist; terming the entire endeavor a reflection of SU teachers’ and students’ immense love for Pakistan.

Towards the end, the event organizers — Director STAGS Dr. Sumera Umrani extended welcome note and Director Institute of Art and Design Prof. Saeed Ahmed Mangi submitted vote of thanks.