We cannot forage future needs without inculcating in youth ingenuity in science: Speakers
We cannot positively respond to future demands without first inculcating in youth intelligence in science. Science and technology are essential components for every modern society. They offer the base from which promote economic growth and welfare. Science also prompts human mind, more so the minds of young learners to examine and understand phenomena of life and nature around them with a view to improve standard and quality of living on the earth by paving the path for new discoveries.
The above views were expressed by Speakers on the occasion of virtual opening ceremony of Science Magazine and an interactive dialogue on the Significance of Science organized by Sindh Science Society. The event was presided over by VC-SU Prof. Dr. Fateh Muhammad Burfat, whereas Sindh Minister for Science and Technology Nawab Muhammad Taimoor Talpur was the chief guest.
Dr. Burfat, in his presidential remarks said that the rapid changes in the world including technological advancement, scientific innovation, increased globalization, shifting workforce demands, and pressures of economic competitiveness were redefining the broad skill sets that students needed to be adequately prepared to participate in and contribute to current society. As he cited insights from National Science Teaching Association, USA mission message to elaborate his stance.
“I am indeed very pleased to note the leadership skills of SUCL Focal Person Prof. Dr. Azhar Ali Shah, who I have witnessed for around last one year, to have drastically changed the face of SUCL for a lot better, more productive and increasingly meaningful profile as compared to its version he had commenced with as its head. I felicitate Dr. Shah and his dedicated team upon this resounding accomplishment. I also laud his exceptional role towards reviving and reinvigorating the Society”, the VC said.
Chief Guest minister Mr. Talpur said he was immensely delighted to have been a part of the momentous eve of launch of science magazine.
“I am fully and happily cognizant of all virtual-tech advancements at SU and and I hereby register my sincere accolades to Dr. Burfat and his team. SU is Pakistan’s premier seat of higher learning — its progress and prosperity become our collective obligation”, the minister stressed.
SUCL Focal Person, President Sindh Science Society and event chief host Prof. Dr. Azhar Ali Shah remarked that the way they used different forms of media to engage youth in creative pursuits including scientific experimentation; and particulatly the kind of attention they paid to those considerations had become a point of immense interest to world academia as they debated it in their scholarly discourses.
“Time spent on social media tools has exploded in the last decade, but it has still not been able to obliterate our fascination for traditional modes of learning and communication topped by popular co-curricular, extra-curricular, arts, fashion and especially science magazines at educational institutions around the globe”, Dr. Shah asserted.
Dr. Shah said they were thankful to Dr. Burfat for his mighty help towards re-functionalization of the Sindh Science Society, restoration of its office premises to it and the renovation of space, adding that the Society had been a proud brain-child and illustrious legacy of great men like Allama I. I. Kazi, Dr. M. A. Kazi, Dr. N. B. G. Kazi and Dr. N. A. Baloch.
A horde of noted science experts from in and outside the University shared their reflections in this online interactive event.