SU admissions committee meets, reflects upon updates and developments with reference to the context
A high- profile meeting was held at Sindh University to consider admission policy 2020 of the varsity and to review admission forms received online for pre-admission test for Master Degree Programs for candidates of L. L.M. ( Evening) degree programs only that is set to take place on October 27 instant.
The meeting revoked its earlier decision of taking pre-admission test of BS Electronic Engineering and BS Telecommunication degree programs on October 27, 2019 and resolved to take this same test on November 2, 2019 as part of test for candidates of Bachelor degree programs. This decision transpired from SU’s candidate-friendly approach to prevent candidates coming from remote places not to travel twice. For, the candidates appearing for the above mentioned two disciplines would first take general merit test and would also appear in departmental aptitude test the same day that would be conducted in special blocks made to this effect.
The meeting also made it clear in candidate interest that Masters Test for departments/institutes other than law would not be conducted this time, instead the admission placement of the candidates would be determined on aggregate score based on marks of matriculation, intermediate and graduation examinations.
Chaired by SU Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Fateh Muhammad Burfat in his office and attended by campus focal persons, faculty deans, registrar, syndicate members and other honorable members of the admissions committee. The meeting also reviewed aspects relating to provision of best possible facilities to candidates and their accompanying parents and guardians, transparent conduct of the test and opportune announcement of the results.
The interface also expressed satisfaction over continuing steady rise in the number of admission aspirants and shifting of the entire admission process to paperless format.
Earlier, SU Director Admissions Ghulam Muhammad Bhutto briefed the house on multiple updates and developments related to admissions.