SU wins distinction of being member of Pakistan‘s largest autonomous national alliance of universities
University of Sindh Jamshoro has claimed yet another merit as it has formally entered as member Inter-University Consortium for Promotion of Social Sciences (IUCPSS). Through the MoU, University of Sindh, Jamshoro will be able to foster mutual cooperation and collaboration, carry out joint research publications, hold advocacy seminars, organized consultative workshops, host conferences and other academic activities in the areas of common interest, including sharing of their expertise and other strengths.
The university will also be able to develop faculty development/exchange, collaborative ventures with leading foreign universities in the disciplines of social sciences, arts and humanities, exchange of information, shared data and documents and provide input in the areas of its strength in the areas of mutual interest, strength of individual partner and relevancy to the other party, in particular millennium development goals, socio-economic, governance, transparency and accountability; international relations, regional and inter-regional development, peace, diplomacy, arbitration and conflict resolution; gender mainstreaming; strategic studies; and other subjects of common interest.
The member universities will split expertise and resources for efficient and effective use to improve the capacities of and service delivery and the community associated social science research. It was also decided to collaborate in improving and strengthening the scientific, academic and research capacities of the IUCPSS member universities in MGDs and socio-