Fulbright Degree Program Test Preparation Virtual Outreach schedule.
Fulbright Program Officers, Test Prep Adviser and EducationUSA Advisers will be conducting virtual Fulbright Orientation Session, followed by a virtual Graduate Record Exam (GRE) Workshop at universities and American Spaces under its Test Prep initiative. The sessions are to apprise eligible students of the Fulbright Degree Program application process, requirements, and scholarship benefits. As GRE score, along with other documents, is a prerequisite for the completed application submission; therefore, a workshop on GRE will help students in their preparation.
To maximize our virtual outreach programming this year, we will be grouping American Spaces and universities in South region to conduct these virtual sessions. Below are the details of your group. If the coordinators and focal persons could kindly confirm their availability for both the sessions. We will be sharing Zoom webinar link with you upon confirmation. Ideally, we encourage that you circulate the link with the graduating class – students who will be graduating in 2021 or already have graduated with a bachelor’s (16 years of education) or master’s/MPhil (18 years of education) – so they are eligible to apply for the upcoming Fulbright Application Cycle to pursue master’s or a PhD in the USA.
Fulbright Orientation:
Orientation Date: Feb 10th, 2021
Time: 3:00 - 4:30 pm
Register in advance for this webinar:
GRE Workshop:
GRE Workshop Date: Feb 16th, 2021
Time: 3:00 - 4:30 pm
Register in advance for this webinar: